NEU Collab

A web application that allows users to find projects to collaborate on together

Live Site (Netlify)

Github Repo (Frontend)

Github Repo (Backend)

Team: Alex Oh • Tom Kruger • Frank Li

Role: Fullstack

Built with:
- React, Javascript, Express, MongoDB, HTML, CSS, Netlify, Render, Figma

Skills Developed:
- Fullstack development with MERN (Mongo, Express, React, Node) stack
- Creating a RESTful API
- Server/Site deployment using Render, Netlify
- Using Redux, Express sessions to track user state

Using the MERN stack, my team built a complete web-based collaboration platform for Northeastern University students to find team members for interdisciplinary projects. We deployed the parts of this application using Render and Netlify. Each member dictated expected behavior of our app, planned out the database schema, built out components in the front-end application, and wrote parts of the RESTful API that interfaced with the database. I was also responsible for the initial wireframes for the site.

project image