Music Town

A networked, 2D space where users can listen to music with others inside virtual rooms and chat with each other.

- D, SDL Libraries (SDL_Renderer, SDL_mixer)

Team: Alex Oh, Aakash Singh, Chen Chen, Abhishek Kumar

Role: Client Application Project Lead, Client Developer

Skills Developed:
- Software engineering
- Agile
- SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) Libraries
- D (language)

The purpose of this project was to practice developing software using basic software engineering principles and tools including the Agile methodology, Github for version control, Github projects as a Kanban board, feature-based development branches. Music Town was built with D, with HTML documentation autogenerated by ddox, a D-based package.
I acted as project lead for the client application, and developed various behaviors in the client including music playback and collision logic.

Demo Video