Ikea Product Locator

A web tool for finding out where your favorite Ikea products can be bought all over the world.

Live Site (Netlify)

Github Repo

Built with:

- React, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Netlify (deploy)

Libraries & APIs:
ikea-availability-checker - Ikea API library
Google Maps Places API
react-geocode - React library for Google Maps Geocode API
react-google-maps- React library for Google Maps Maps API

demo for ikea product locator

What I Learned

I learned a lot more about using callback functions to pass data between components more easily, as well as handling asynchronous requests/responses in varying capacities. In my efforts to use different portions of the Google Maps API (Maps, Places, Geocoder) with the help of various libraries and documentation, I developed a much stronger conceptualization of APIs and their usage. Lastly, I grew far more comfortable with useState and useEffect and passing props into components.

Skills Developed:

- React
- State management with React Hooks
- Consuming APIs (Google Maps API, Ikea API)